
A Short History of Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is being touted as the “next big thing” in technology. We’ve seen these before; depending on your age you may remember 3D television and film, the iPhone, the Walkman, MiniDisc, DAT, “smart” appliances, colour television, and movies with sound (“talkies”). Some of these caught on – I hear colour television is rather popular – while some failed spectacularly. With its wide range of applications, however, VR seems

Don’t Say These 10 Things to Homeschool Moms

Having been homeschoolers now for one full year I have managed to avoid any confrontations. However, I have heard countless stories of terrible encounters with nosy onlookers or judgmental friends, family members and even strangers. I know homeschooling is different. I also know lots of mom’s can’t imagine making this choice. But please… even if you don’t agree. Just don’t say these things. 1. Your Kids Ought to Be in

Consumers trust neither Big Data nor Telcos/ISPs

The Vodafone survey “Big Data: a European Survey on the opportunities and risks of data analytics” shows that Europeans do not like the idea of ceding control over personal data in return for cheap or free service. The survey is robust, based on samples sizes of over a thousand per country (The Czech and Irish Republics, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands and the UK) and shows differences by age and

Need Ideas for Your Business Blog? Here Are 50

Blogging can be a great way to draw new customers to your business website. But if your blog hasn’t been updated in months or all your posts are thinly disguised sales pitches, your blog marketing plan could backfire. A great business blog doesn’t sell. Instead, it shows customers why they should do business with you and not your competitors. Here are 50 types of blog posts that can draw new

6 Ideas for Epic Business Blog Posts

I hate to say it, but at least 95 percent of business blogs are absolute crap. In some cases, these sites fail because they’re rarely updated, but most of the time, the Achilles heel most business bloggers face is developing content that’s actually interesting to their audiences. Your customers don’t want to read press release after press release, and they won’t give their attention to articles that read like incognito

Top 10 Resolutions To Make Your Girlfriend Happy

If you’re in a relationship and you want to make it work, it’s worth putting some thought into the steps you could take to make life smoother for your partner — and, by extension, you. Here are the top 10 things you can work on to make your girlfriend happy: 1. Listen To Her It’s become a familiar cliche: Men don’t listen, and there’s not much that can be done

The Day the Music Died

The recent announcement that SeaWorld is ending their orca program and forging an alliance with HSUS sparked widely diverse emotional responses, from joy to despair, but most serious animal people were deeply hurt and furious. I am not going to address the specific orca question: despite my tens of thousands of hours working with hundreds of species, I do not possess sufficient knowledge or experience with marine mammals to know

17 easy steps for planning your next trip

I remember when I started planning my first trip. I had no idea what I was doing. When I decided to quit my job and travel the world, I walked into a bookstore and bought Lonely Planet’s Southeast Asia on Shoestring. It made the trip seem more real, but it didn’t prepare me for planning a long world trip. Back then, there weren’t really blogs, guides, and apps like there

10 Holiday Season Blog Prompts

This the season to be busy. There are parties to attend, presents to buy and/or make, meals to cook, traditions to celebrate, family to visit, and a million and one other things to do that come with the holiday season. But despite being busy, you don’t want to let your blog be silent. You know that consistency is one of the most important things went blogging, and you don’t want