How many animated films have been showing in the big screen recently? It is clear that animation is in a unique moment of its history since, hand in hand with technology, new creators and talented people are arising and have come to recover the audience’s ability to be amazed.
Because currently there is such an enormous amount of content and wide possibilities to see content that it has made consumers loose that sense of awe, it has become harder to win them over. It would suddenly seem that everything is already written and there was nothing new under the Sun.
2022 surprised us with Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio. Nobody would have thought that the classic story, already known to everyone, would still have so much to say to children, young people, and grownups.
It turns out that the film by the Mexican director and producer was fully created with the stop-motion technique, a frame-by-frame animation of figurines made by hand, and resulting in a memorable story that made many tears up and won an Oscar and a Golden Globe award.
Guillermo del Toro is already great among the greatest, and he personally defends animation films as a sector that still has a lot to express and is hoping that the new generation of creators that will come will leave evidence of their talent.
And speaking of young talents, Olmo Cuarón, the son of the also Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón, will probably also work with animated films, or at least that is what he has let us see in his social media accounts where he has published his first works.
Olmo Cuarón is currently 18 years old and is well known for his animations which is an indicator for us that he will probably soon become a great animator and will place his name in the big screen, just as his own father has done many times.
Olmo Cuarón is part of a young generation that will break with all past expectations. And even though streaming seems to have made us believe that everything has been said, this young generation will prove there is much more left to see.